Experienced, Aggressive Slip and Fall Lawyer
Get an attorney who knows Vegas
Featuring world-class hotels and casinos, Las Vegas is a thriving city with a lot to offer residents and visitors. As a result, serious accidents can and do happen in The Entertainment Capital of the World. Whether you are vacationing here in Vegas or you live here and you’re just going about your day, an accident caused by someone else’s negligence can leave you with serious injuries.
Maybe you suffered a painful back injury after a slip and fall in a casino parking garage or lobby. It could be that you sustained a mild concussion in a car accident while driving back to your hotel. Or maybe you were hurt in some other type of incident that was not your fault. The bottom line is if someone else caused your injury, you need an experienced Las Vegas personal injury lawyer who can handle the insurance company and aggressively advocate for your best interests.
Injuries can be painful. Recovering from them can be expensive. Medical bills can add up fast due to hospitalization, surgery, physical therapy, and doctor appointments. You may be unable to return to work right away, resulting in lost income. You may also be experiencing emotional trauma related to your accident. While you’re trying to deal with all these challenges, the last thing you need is an insurance company pushing you around and offering you minimal compensation for your losses.
Push back. Contact Lasso Injury Law LLC today. We can fight to get you the compensation you need and deserve.